This years SXSW Interactive (2015) was exiting and a blast. Lots of skilled, creative, unique and engaged people stoked to be fed with new fruits and juices for the future of digital and interactiveness 🙂 I’ve finally summarised some of my notes with highlighted trends from this years interactive event. Something to keep in mind if you’re lucky travelling to SXSW 2016 next year.

My guerrilla notes and highlights from this years SXSW Interactive 2015:
Also check out my photos from this years event for inspiration 🙂
Build an army of great storytellers, be where the target segment is, and get them to talk good about your brand and product.
Storytelling is also user experience.
Content needs to be more interactive and also create value for the users.
Great content generates revenue and helps ranking your content as good SEO in Search engines.
Always make good content and they will follow.
Facebook is unreliable, A-B test headlines to see and learn possible reach and engagement.
Frame new problems, see practicality in product design.
Metabolism of nature, adapt design for how we grow.
Make technology merge with pleasure and convenience. “Delight!”
Design for minialism and magasin wise. Visually beautiful, with stunning photographs/pictures and excellent storytelling to create HUGE value.
Extend storytelling through instagram and social to generate revenue and to sell and market your product.
Design new things to solve, not just for the art.
Traditional UX and/or web designers needs to step out of their comfort zone and design designs that acutally solves problems.
Use the digital platform as a layer to evolve your analog dimension . If your business is not digital in some way, make your business in way that other can make it digital.
Digital is not the holy grail, it’s a layer
-Shelley Bernstein
#ux #beyondpixels
Measure hypoteses and assumptions. UX = user / customer centric.
Every touchpoint of the user journey is important. Full spectrum needs to be handled.
Know your KPIs and make them sky high through great user experiences.
Digital engagement strategy for leaders. Sharing and caring with employees. Using Social media to engage, act on and listen.
Be authentic…
Say “yes” more will give you BIG opportunities.
Value skateboarders, they are great people that do great things.
Nothing comes from no. Is the opportunity worth it? SAY SHIT YEAH!
Hustle, Give, Charm – Work hard, be honest!
– Michael Nieling, Ocupop
Merging traditional with digital = Tradigital.
“Hackonomy” how brand that disrupt the norm will come out on top, as well as what this means for future generations of marketers.
Companies needs to build and invest in talents and not be so traditional and afraid to loose talents in favour of other companies.
Companies needs to become companies that great talents want to work for!
Provide a QA function measure for a design.
A-B test UX research.
Identify patterns, what kind of senses through data and analytics to redesign core functions of websites, apps and products.
Integrate with transparency.
More feeling of tech ownership around big data.
UX is always our product. The future lays in creating great user experiences in every aspects… What is your product?